Monthly Archives: July 2014

New Ignite Burlington 2013 Speaker Videos | Rick Yarosh & Apoetaswell

Our final two Ignite Burlington 2013 speaker videos are now available!
Apoetaswell moved the audience with this message shared through slam poetry and surprise guest Rick Yarosh inspired with his incredible story of overcoming adversity and turning the negative into the positive.  It was an honor to have them both speak at Ignite Burlington.
Click below to watch the videos and let us know what you think!


A Poet As Well
A Poet As Well


Ignite Burlington 2013 | Guest Speaker - Rick Yarosh
Ignite Burlington 2013 | Guest Speaker – Rick


That wraps up all of our speaker videos from 2013.  You can watch all of the speaker videos at  We hope you enjoyed watching the speakers again as much as we did!   


It’s not too late to be a speaker at Ignite Burlington 2014!

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know as an Ignite Burlington speaker, please email

We’re looking forward to having a packed house, inspiring the community, and raising funds for Hergenrother Foundation.  Our goal is to hold our first Youth Leadership Camp in the summer of 2015!

Tickets will be available for sale starting in September.

Questions?  Need more information? Or want to volunteer?Email

New Ignite Burlington 2013 Speaker Videos Released! | Nathalie Kelly & Adam Hergenrother

New Ignite Burlington 2013 speaker videos are now available!
Nathalie Kelly, inspired the audience with her story, “Brainstormed, How I Lost My Mind, and Found My Heart”, while Adam Hergenrother shared his passion for living a life without limits.


Click below to watch the videos and let us know what you think!


Nathalie Kelly | Brainstormed, How I Lost My Mind, and Found My Heart
Nathalie Kelly | Brainstormed, How I Lost My Mind, and Found My Heart
Adam Hergenrother | Life Without Limits
Adam Hergenrother | Life Without Limits


We’ll be releasing two videos a week for the next couple of weeks as we gear up to announce Ignite Burlington 2014 speakers!    

It’s not too late to be a speaker at Ignite Burlington 2014!

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know as an Ignite Burlington speaker, please email

We’re loooking forward to having a packed house, inspiring the community, and raising funds for Hergenrother Foundation.  Our goal is to hold our first Youth Leadership Camp in the summer of 2015!

Tickets will be available for sale starting in September.

Questions?  Need more information? Or want to volunteer?  Email

New Ignite Burlington Speaker Videos Just Released! | Janet Smith & David Hill

If you missed Ignite Burlington 2013, you can now catch up on all the speaker action!


David Hill, Realtor at Keller Williams Realty, CEO of The Hill Team, and Owner of PreferredAgent, shared his story of “Overcoming Life’s Obstacles” and Janet Smith, Director of Vermont Transcendental Meditation Center, taught us about “Transcending – The Key to Higher Consciousness, Fulfillment, Peace.”

Click below to watch the videos and let us know what you think!  We’ll be releasing two videos a week for the next couple of weeks as we gear up to announce Ignite Burlington 2014 speakers!

We are still interviewing speakers for this year’s event!

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know as an Ignite Burlington speaker, please email

We’re looking forward to having a packed house, inspiring the community, and raising funds for Hergenrother Foundation.  Our goal is to hold our first Youth Leadership Camp in the summer of 2015!

Tickets will be available for sale starting in September.

Questions?  Need more information? Or want to volunteer?  Email

Ignite Burlington 2013 Speakers | Ann Zuccardy, Tom Murphy, Ela Wojtowicz, and Kevin Pearce

If you missed Ignite Burlington 2013, you can now catch up on all the speaker action!

This week check out Ann Zuccardy, Tom Murphy, Ela Wojtowicz, and Kevin Pearce!


Click below to watch the videos and let us know what you think!  We’ll be releasing two videos a week for the next couple of weeks as we gear up to announce Ignite Burlington 2014 speakers!








We are still interviewing speakers for this year’s event!

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know as an Ignite Burlington speaker, please email

We’re looking forward to having a packed house, inspiring the community, and raising funds for Hergenrother Foundation.  Our goal is to hold our first Youth Leadership Camp in the summer of 2015!

Tickets will be available for sale starting in September.

Questions?  Need more information? Or want to volunteer?  Email