Tag Archives: galen dow

Ignite Speaker Spotlight | Galen Dow

speaker-spotlight-g-dowPresentation: The Power of Persistence – Try, Try Again!

Galen Dow is the CEO of  AMPED Pipeline Marketing.  Galen founded, bootstrapped and successfully exited New Breed Marketing. New Breed Marketing was one of 3 HubSpot platinum partners out of 2,700 HubSpot partners globally.
His background includes VP level sales and marketing roles for several hardware and software companies. He has an engineering degree and MBA from The University of Vermont. He has several new projects going including AMPED Pipeline Marketing which picks up technologically where New Breed Marketing left off and Kaboodle, a new model of creating age appropriate internet experiences for under 12 year old’s.
Galen’s Profile:  LinkedIn
Website:  www.ampedpipeline.com

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