Tag Archives: colin ryan comedian

Ignite Burlington 2014 Speaker Videos Just Released!

If you missed Ignite Burlington 2014, you can now catch up on all the speaker action! Check out the videos below and let us know what you think!

Mary Powell, CEO of Green Mountain Power | Engaged Leadership 

 Mike Smith | How Navy SEAL Training Turned My Life Around

Patrick Standen, Professor at St. Michael’s College and President & Founder of Northeast Disabled Athletic Association | Learning from Adversity: The Opportunity of Challenge

 Ryan Esbjerg, Founder of Flex Your Face | What Makes You Flex Your Face?

Colin Ryan, Motivational Speaker & Stand-Up Comedian at ColinRyanSpeaks.com | A Stand Up Life

 Danielle Livellara, Money & Business Coach at Livellara International LLC | Money is Love

Taraleigh Weathers, The Music Scene’s Life Coach | How to Rock Your Life After Loss


We are now interviewing speakers for Ignite Burlington 2015!

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know as an Ignite Burlington speaker, please email hallie@adamhergenrother.com

Early bird tickets will be available starting March 1st for $15.

Questions?  Need more information? Or want to volunteer?  Email info@hergenrotherfoundation.org.